The first few weeks of my Philosophy class kicked my tail. My constant thought was..."Why the heck does this even matter? So Renee Decartes believed life is all a dream, so Socrates thought of a new definition of knowledge? Why is it relevent?" But to night, when one of my class's topics came up in a conversation, it hit me.
Knowledge. How can we define knowledge? Most commonly knowledge is understood as a conscious understanding of truth. But what is truth? Is truth something we believe to be so? If that's the case, then there can be no truth because each "truth" can be negated by another's belief. Is truth something that the majority accepts, and is thus socially correct? If that's so, then there can't be truth because each society functions differently. Is truth the statement with the most evidence? If that's what truth is, then what happens when there is no evidence either way?
How can man know if the very definition of knowledge has an infinite regress? That really got to me, because knowledge has always been like a safe haven. When life gets tough I turn to what I hold to be the most true of any truth: Christ. When life experience fails me, I look toward what I see as the most sure thing on earth: the Gospel. I always somehow knew that Christ was there, waiting. So when I questioned the very basis of knowledge, that left me bewildered.
So, at 12:00 in the morning, I grabbed my blanket and pillow and went outside to look up at the stars. I considered the idea of no God, and it didn't make sense. All my life He's been my breath and strength...how could such a big part of my life be unknown and unsure? As I looked into the deep sky I thought, "You're up there somewhere...waiting. You have to be."
As I lay thinking, I remembered a quote by David Crowder, "When His divinity meets our depravity, it's a beautiful collision." Beauty can't be proven, but it can be known. When I look at the ocean, I know it's beautiful. When I see a couple in love, I know the beauty of that intimacy. The beauties in this world aren't believed by all, accepted by all, or proven...but it is still known. So then I consider the beauty of the infinite being I call Savior, Emmanuel coming into His creation and destroying my depravity by colliding with my soul. I consider the beauty of Christ taking my heart and cupping it in His hand, protecting it and making it His own, and I know. With Him there's nothing that can change.
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