Tuesday, May 12, 2009

bucket list.

I want to make a list of things to do before I die...here goes!

1. Go on a vacation alone...somewhere relaxing where I'll have lots of time to reflect and tan. :)
2. Take a mission trip to the middle east, someplace desperate for the Gospel
3. Go sky-diving. I hear you can die...but I'll be fine
4. Perform a sit-in for a cause I care about
5. Become fully proficient in a foreign language
6. Take a photograph that people want to buy
7. Overcome my fear of alone-ness
8. Backpack across Europe, living off nothing but what is in my backpack
9. Learn to play the piano...particularly Christofori's Dream by David Lanz.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


(night-scene picture of Pattaya, Thailand)

In registering for college classes, I have no choice but to think about my future. Sophomore year means it's time to declare a major, and I just have no clue. I want nothing more than to just skip three more years of learning and jump into the workforce, but alas. I cannot.

Here's what I want to do with my life:

When I read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, I realized that I want to help prostitutes trapped in the industry. When I went to Thailand, I realized that I want to help Thai prostitutes who are trapped in the industry. The city of Pattaya, Thailand has been deemed the sex-slave capital of the world. It's the city that soldiers with no family go to during their vacation from deployment, it's the city that black-market kings go to find slaves to buy and sell. It's the city that people go to do things that are illegal in the United states. Families all over the world sell their little girls to these black market sex-slave lords when they have no money. As they grow up in this industry, girls are taught nothing but how to please a man so that even if they could escape they wouldn't know how to do anything else.

So here's where I come in. I want to open a coffee house where I can train girls in a clean, pure trade so that if they do so desire to escape they will have hope. They can learn to become a barista or even simply general business skills so they can move on with their lives.

But there's SO MUCH MORE to what I want to do. I've learned in the past few months the power of healing that comes from Christ alone. Escaping the trauma of forced prostitution leaves emotional scaring and distrust that a person can't overcome on her own. I want to lead women into the infinite comfort and healing that can save them from their own nightmares and insecurities.

So where do I imagine myself 10 years down the road? For starters, I hope I'm married. The thought of venturing into the great unknown all alone scares me to death...so hopefully there's a man in my future. But God has been showing me that maybe there's not a man in my future, and that's okay. If I die an old maid, it's fine as long as I've given my life to my Savior. He will provide a peace and a comfort in whatever situation He places me.

In fact, I've been thinking that there might not be room for a husband. Because in 10 years I see myself living in a home that can be seen as a haven for hurting and displaced women. I see myself living in a place that women can feel free to come and learn about the everlasting love of my Lord...so who knows.

Registering for my classes has me thinking about all of this, and realizing that whatever Christ brings to my future...it's going to be amazing. :)

"While the son was still a long way off his father saw him and felt compassion for him. He ran and embraced him and kissed him. "Let us celebrate for this child of mine was dead, but he has come back to life. He was lost, and now he is found!" So they began to celebrate." -Luke 15:20&24 ...มุ่งหวัง